
What is The Homestead of Beer about?

I made my first foray into home-brewing with an all-grain kit back in 2014, with very limited success, after two batches I went into hiatus. Only to be re-awakened in 2022. Most of what you will find here, will be British (and some European) style beers done with a Canadian an British Isles slant. Using my personal tastes, along with the guidelines from the Beer Judge Certification Program as my references, I brew beer one gallon at a time.

What’s Brewing?

  • The proposed schedule.
  • The schedule is anticipatory only, subject to change on a whim.


Some of the emoji used are designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

For example, the logo I created was rendered from images from the awesome OpenMoji project. The Pig-Dog sentinels have become part of my self-branding exercise.