Codename : Wild Rice Daniale
Sign indicating warning

This was my first attempt at scaling down a five gallon recipe to one gallon. There were some transcription errors, along with misreading some ingredients. I also took some liberties with the hops and yeast selection. There will be a do-over on this recipe. Word to the wise, do not use this recipe, an update can be found on my Brewfather account.

Recipe inspiration


  • 1.25 lbs (.57 kg) Maris Otter malt
  • 5/32 lb (.07 kg) dark roast barley malt (this was a happy accident in transcription, should have been a crystal malt)
  • 1/16 lb (.03 kg) chocolate malt
  • ¼ lb (.11 kg) cooked wild rice
  • ⅛ oz (3.5 g) East Kent Golding hops at 60 minutes
  • 3 ml Nottingham ale yeast

Vital Stats

  • 13 IBU
  • Anticipated 4% ABV

Brew Day

  • Cook and rinse wild rice in advance.
  • Start with 6 litres of strike water, 165 F. 
  • Combine grain and wild rice in a bag.
  • Add bag to hot water, set timer for one hour, maintain temperature at 150 – 152 F.
  • Prepare 2 L sparge water, 160-170 F.
  • Mash out, raise the temperature to 160 for about 5 minutes.
  • Lift the bag out of the pot, allow it to drip into the pot. Sparge.
  • Bring wort up to 200 F.
  • Add hops once temperature is reached, set the timer for one hour.
  • Sanitise everything required for fermentation.
  • Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.
  • Prepare the yeast mixture.
  • Add wort to the carboy. Pitch yeast.
  • Store in a cool place during vigorous fermentation, move to a warmer area for 2 days. Return to the cool place until ready to bottle.
  • Sanitise everything required for bottling.
  • Bottle after 5-6 days, secondary fermentation not required.
  • Let it stand at least one week before enjoying. Longer is usually better.

Tasting notes

I didn’t have a hydrometer when I started this, the anticipated ABV was supposed to be 4%, unscientifically feels like 3%. I blame brewhouse inefficiency along with rookie brewer. The wild rice gives it a nice nutty finish, it also has a bit of a porter taste courtesy of the happy error transcribing the recipe.

Brew day : 6-Jan-2022
Bottling day : 11-Jan-2022


Pig facing left