Codename : Old Brown Shoe

The chosen caramel & chocolate malts have higher Lovibond rating (darker colour) than the original recipe as I tend to prefer the darker ales. Paying hommage to the Beatles with the title selection.

Recipe inspiration


  • 2 lbs Maris Otter malt
  • 2 oz Caramel malt
  • 2 oz Rye malt
  • 1 oz Chocolate malt
  • 0.20 oz East Kent Goldings hops at 60 minutes
  • 0.10 oz Fuggles hops at 20 minutes
  • ¼ Whirlfloc tablet
  • 4 ml Nottingham ale yeast

Anticipated IBU : 26
Anticipated ABV : 4.6%
Target OG : 1.048
Target FG : 1,013
Arbitrary Brewhouse (in)efficiency : 55%

 Prepare 8L strike water, 154F

Add the milled grains to the bag.

Place the bag in the hot water, set the timer for one 90 minutes, and maintain the temperature at 149 F. Looking for SG 1.027.

Calibrate the refractometer, aka the sonic screwdriver, the refractometer to ensure accurate measurements.

Lift the bag out of the water, and allow it to drip into the pot.

Bring wort up to 212F to boil for 10 minutes, then bring down to 210 F.

Set the timer for 90 minutes. Add hops and Whirfloc as prescribed above. Looking for SG 1.048.

Sanitise everything required for fermentation.

Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.

Prepare yeast mixture.

Add wort to the jug. Pitch yeast.

Store in a cool place for primary fermentation for 14-21 days.

Bottling Day

Sanitise everything required for bottling.

Transfer from carboy to bottling pot.

Prepare 19g corn sugar with enough hot water to dissolve it. Add to pot.


Preferably conduct bottle conditioning for at least 2-4 weeks. 

Brew Notes.

  • I hit pre-boil SG, 1.029.
  • Towards the end of the boil, the SG was about 1.040, so with 15 minutes remaining, I opted to add about 2 tbsp of brown sugar, keeping with the brown theme to reach a final SG of 1.049.
  • This is a clue that maybe a two hour boil might be in order.
  • Fermentation gushed/trickled out of, and filled the airlock, this is likely a bad thing.
  • The SG stalled at 1.024, CF line above. ABV will likely be capped at 2.1%


Tasting Notes

  • Sampled during the bottling process, the cheat addition taste of brown sugar is a little too present for my liking.
  • Now the beer has aged, the taste of the brown sugar has mellowed. The ABV is low, but it does have a decent taste.

Brew day : 25-Mar-2022
Bottling day : 8-Apr-2022