Codename : Westfort Bière Outrageant (2023)
Employing a little revisionist history, instead of presenting a brew fail, I offer up a corrected on the fly recipe. Mistakes were made, I mis-read the starting water requirements, added an extra litre. During the late mash, I was way off on the gravity, so I added white sugar to bring up the gravity. I continued as though everything was normal. It wasn’t until the late boil, that I realised I was above the 4 litre mark on the pot. I quickly updated the recipe, it fell a little out of the scope of the standard, but it was close enough. I was clearly off my game, instead of using the French Saison Ale yeast, I absent-mindedly reached for the New World Strong Ale yeast. Facepalm. Roll with it, and just try again at a later date.
- 1 lb 11 oz Pilsner malt (2L)
- 8 oz white sugar
- 8 oz Golden Promise pale malt (2.4L)
- 2 oz Amber malt (27L)
- 2 oz Crystal medium (67L)
- 1 oz Munich dark malt (9.9L)
- 1 oz Caramel malt (30L)
- 0.1 oz Chinook hops at 30 minutes
- 1 oz white sugar at 20 minutes
- 1/4 tsp yeast nutrient at 15 minutes
- 1/4 tsp Irish Moss (optional) at 15 minutes
- 0.40 oz Bramling Cross hops at 15 minutes
- 1 oz brun légère Belgian Candi Sugar (5L)
- 6 ml Mangrove Jack New World Strong Ale dry yeast
Vital Stats
BJCP Style : Bière de Garde
Anticipated ABV : 7.8%
Anticipated IBU : 21
Anticipated SRM : 10
Pre-boil SG : 1.038
Original SG : 1.065
Target SG : 1,008
Brewhouse (in)efficiency : 65%
Brew Day
- Prepare 7.3L strike water, 158F. (this is what happens when you don’t measure right)
- Add the milled grains to the bag.
- Place the bag in the hot water, set the timer for 75 minutes, and maintain the temperature at 158F.
- Add the white sugar.
- Stir occasionally.
- Calibrate the refractometer, aka the sonic screwdriver.
- Lift the bag out of the water, and allow it to drip into the pot. Every bit of sugar that can be extracted will benefit the end ABV.
- Bring up to a boil, 212F, set the timer for 30 minutes. Add hops, candi sugar, yeast nutrient, and Irish moss, as prescribed above.
- Sanitise everything required for fermentation.
- Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.
- Prepare the yeast mixture.
- Pitch the yeast to the carboy.
- Transfer the wort to the carboy, splash the wort around to aerate the contents.
- Store in a cool dark place for primary fermentation for 14 days.
Bottling Day
- Detailed instructions.
- Prepare 0.8 oz corn sugar.
- Bottle condition at least 4 weeks.
Brew Notes
- As noted above, this recipe was updated on fly
- Gravities came in at 1.055 and 1.065, this gives ans anticipated ABV of 7.9%

Brew day : 1-May-2023