Codename : Westfort Scottish Export Alethorpe

This one is being done in honour of the Bard of Scotland, to be enjoyed to celebrate Robbie Burns.

A snippet about Scottish Export

A moderate-strength, malty beer with light caramel, toast, toffee, and fruit flavours. A slight roast dryness offsets the residual sweetness in the finish, with the bitterness perceived only to keep the beer from being cloying.


  • 1 lb 8 oz Golden Promise malt (2.4L)
  • 3 oz Amber malt (28L)
  • 3 oz Flaked Barley (1.4L)
  • 1 oz Chocolate malt (300L)
  • 1 oz Crystal dark (100L)
  • 1/4 Campden tablet when preparing strike water (optional)
  • 0.2 oz Sasquatch hops at 30 minutes
  • 1/4 tsp Whirlfoc (optional) at 15 minutes
  • 0.2 Sasquatch hops at 10 minutes
  • 0.2 UK Bramling Cross hops at 0 minutes.
  • 3 ml Nottingham dry ale yeast.

Vital Stats

BJCP Style : Scottish Export
Anticipated ABV : 4.9%
Anticipated IBU : 21
Anticipated SRM : 17

Pre-boil SG : 1.048
Post-boil SG : 1.066
Original SG : 1.049
Target SG : 1.012
Brewhouse (in)efficiency : 70%

Brew Day

  • If you don’t want to do the mash steps, do the whole mash at 152F for 75 minutes, then skip to the part about lifting the bag out.
  • Prepare 5.3L strike water at 122F.
  • Add the milled grains to the bag.
  • Add the tea bags to the hot water, remove after about 20 minutes, or when the aroma of bergamot reaches your nose.
  • Place the bag in the hot water, set the timer for 15 minutes, and maintain the temperature at 122F.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Raise the temperature to 145F, set the timer for 30 minutes.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Raise the temperature to 158F, set the timer for 30 minutes.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Calibrate the sonic screwdriver.
  • Lift the bag out of the water, and allow it to drip into the pot. Every bit of sugar that can be extracted will benefit the end ABV.
  • Bring up to a boil, 212F, set the timer for 30 minutes. Add hops, sugars and Whirlfoc, as prescribed above.
  • Sanitise everything required for fermentation.
  • Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.
  • Prepare the yeast mixture.
  • Pitch the yeast to the carboy.
  • Transfer the wort to the carboy, splash the wort around to aerate the contents.
  • Add one litre of water for the top-up to the carboy.
  • Put the airlock on the carboy.
  • Store in a cool dark place for primary fermentation for 10-14 days.

Bottling Day

Brew Notes

  • Using about 10% flaked barley for head retention in this beer.
  • Gravities were made, should make 4.9%.


Ferment the export ale for 10-14 days.

Brew day : 14-Dec-2023