Scottish Export

Codename : Westfort Scottish Export Alethorpe This one is being done in honour of the Bard of Scotland, to be enjoyed to celebrate Robbie Burns. A snippet about Scottish Export…

Scottish Heavy

Codename : Westfort Burns Ain’t Heavy Alethorpe Robbie Burns celebrations happen world wide at the end of January, this beer is another that pays hommage to the Bard of Scotland.…

Scottish Export

Codename : Westfort Robbie Burns Alethorpe Robbie Burns celebrations happen world wide at the end of January, this beer pays hommage to the Bard of Scotland. Ingredients 1 lb 11…

Scottish Export

Codename : Mountain Portage Scottish Alethorpe Completing my tour of the British Isles with a Scottish style ale. This style was typically brewed for the export market, ergo the name.…