December 2022

Spent Grain Porridge

Codename : Molasses Porridge Once the beer has been made what does one do with the spent grain? Make a hearty breakfast. With this one, going with a truly Canadian…

Scottish Export

Codename : Westfort Robbie Burns Alethorpe (2022) Robbie Burns celebrations happen world wide at the end of January, this beer pays hommage to the Bard of Scotland. What you can…

Oatmeal Stout

Codename : Westfort Molasses Oatmeal Stouthorpe I have added honey, maple syrup and assorted sugars to my recent beers, it was to expand my repertoire, and try a stout with…

Cream Ale

Codename : Westfort Oatmeal Cream Ale Trying something completely out of the ordinary, using an almost entirely oatmeal grain bill to make this beer. Ingredients 1 lbs 9 oz Oatmeal…

English Porter

Codename : Westfort Pig Dog Porterthorpe (5L) This autumn has been my season for the porters and stouts. In an attempt to use up some stock, I expanded from my…

Oatmeal Stout

Codename : Westfort Breakfast Stouthorpe Redux This is an update and refresh on my first breakfast stout. Ergo redux in the title. This is the next one in what might…

Oatmeal Stout

Codename : Westfort Oatmeal Stouthorpe Doing basic oatmeal stout, but used a bit of a helter-skelter of speciality malts to use up old stock. Trying something out of the ordinary,…