Spent Grain

Spent Grain Granola

Codename : Chocolate Spent Grain Granola Once the beer has been brewed, what does one do with the spent grain? Try making granola! In this case, using my previous recipe…

Spent Grain Granola

Codename : Spent Grain Granola Once the beer has been brewed, what does one do with the spent grain? Try making granola! Recipe adapted from : https://www.food.com/recipe/crunchy-granola-31235 Ingredients 3 C…

Spent Grain Bread

Codename : Spent Grain Bread Once the beer has been brewed, what does one do with the spent grain? Try baking bread! Recipe Inspiration : https://www.food.com/recipe/spent-grain-beer-bread-417899 Ingredients 3 C Spent…

Spent Grain Flour

Codename : Westfort Spent Grain Flour Previously I had baked with the spent grain, going to mix it up by taking that wet spent grain, dry it out, and grind…

Spent Grain Porridge

Codename : Molasses Porridge Once the beer has been made what does one do with the spent grain? Make a hearty breakfast. With this one, going with a truly Canadian…