Codename : Westfort Pig Dog IPA(2024)

Working to evolve what I hope will eventually become my signature English IPA. My first one turned out well enough, but I felt it needed more hops and/or hop aroma. This is a slightly simplified recipe, not relying on so much crystal malts for colour or sweetness. Why pig dog?  🇫🇷💨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. If you know, you know. A little about the English IPA;

Smooth, medium-light to medium body without hop-derived astringency. Medium to medium-high carbonation can give an overall dry sensation despite a supportive malt presence


  • 1 lb 11 oz Maris Otter malt (3.8L)
  • 3 oz Flaked barley (1.4L)
  • 3 oz Rye malt (3.5L)
  • 1 oz Dark crystal (100L)
  • 0.2 oz Black malt (450L)
  • 1/4 Campden tablet in strike water (optional)
  • 0.20 oz Chinook hops at 30 minutes
  • 2 oz White sugar at 20 minutes
  • 0.2 oz Bramling Cross hops at 15 minutes
  • 1/2 tsp Irish Moss (optional) at 15 minutes
  • 0.2 oz Bramling Cross hops at 10 minutes
  • 0.2 oz Sasquatch hops at 5 minutes
  • 0.2 oz Sasquatch hops at 0 minutes
  • 4 ml Nottingham dry yeast
  • 0.2 oz Cascade hops after 4 days
  • 0.2 oz Cascade hops after 6 days
  • 0.2 oz Cascade hops after 8 days

Vital Stats

BJCP Style : English IPA
Anticipated ABV : 6.3%
Anticipated IBU : 51
Anticipated SRM : 10

Pre-boil SG : 1.051
Post-boil SG: 1.081
Original SG : 1.060
Target SG : 1.012
Carbonation : 2
Water profile : English IPA
Brewhouse (in)efficiency : 70%

Brew Day

  • Prepare 5.7L strike water, 149F. 
  • Add the milled grains to the bag. 
  • Place the bag in the hot water, set the timer for 90 minutes, and maintain the temperature at 149F. It is acceptable if the temperature varies by a couple of degrees in either direction.
  • If you find the gravity is reached before 90 minutes, you can jump to lifting the bag out.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Calibrate the refractometer, aka the sonic screwdriver.
  • Lift the bag out of the water, and allow it to drip into the pot. Every bit of sugar that can be extracted will benefit the end ABV.
  • Bring up to a boil, 212F, set the timer for 30 minutes. Add hops, sugar and Irish moss, as prescribed above.
  • Sanitise everything required for fermentation.
  • Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.
  • Prepare the yeast mixture, per manufacturers directions.
  • Pitch the yeast to the carboy
  • Transfer the wort to the carboy, splash the wort around to aerate the contents.
  • Add one litre of water for the top-up to the carboy.
  • Put the airlock on the carboy.
  • Store in a cool dark place for primary fermentation for 10 days, this is important to maintain the dry hop schedule

Fermentation Duration

  • Add the hops to the carboy as prescribed above.
  • This will add a lot of extra goo (I believe that is the technical term) buildup to the carboy, it may or may not settle out.
  • When it is time for bottling day, you might want to consider some form of filtering.

Bottling Day

Brew Notes

  • This is the first batch I did water conditioning, added “salts” (gypsum, epsom, sodium chloride) to alter the profile of the water to accommodate the recommendations of an English IPA. I won’t go into any more detail here.
  • I wanted to reduce the amount of crystal malts for colour, so I relied on the smallest amount of black malt to bring up the colour.
  • I normally account for the regular amount of sediment that will form during brew time it is a combination of the grain dust and hop residue, generally it is about 250 ml, i neglected to account the the sediment from the higher amount of hopping.
  • As a result of the miscalculation, about 200 ml of water was to be added to the carboy to get the volume I believe is required to fill six bottles.
  • The target SG is 1.055, which should give an ABV of approximately 5.9%. I am good with that!
  • I could have corrected with some sugar, but simply opted not too.
  • The approximate cost in consumables for this batch is $14.81.
Not a great photo, this is sort of shows the cloudiness of the water after adding the salts. I will admit, if the tap water came out looking like that, I would accuse the city of not during their job 🙂


Wort transferred to the carboy for 10 days, during this time dry hopping will happen.


Brew day : 2-Feb-2024

Pig facing left